Genderly Palette
Please Go To Update Genderly - Gender Inclusive Color Palette
Palette Details
Male | #9567FE | Medium Slate Blue |
Female | #FD6320 | Orange Red |
Title | #4E5057 | Davys Grey |
Line | #4D6B9 | Pale Spring Bud |
Footer | #919584 | Artichoke |
Text | #584B53 | Dark Liver |
Background Viz | #FFFFFF | White |
Background Chart | #4D6B9 | Pale Spring Bud 25 % Opacity |
Reading time: 43 secs
Helpful in showing data with a gender grouping
For this viz, I used my typical go-to color for male (#9567FE Medium Slate Blue) and female (#FD6320 Orange Red). When working with gender data, I avoid the blue/pink combo and the bias those colors convey. I then used complementary colors for text, backgrounds, and title for the rest of the viz.
Tableau Palette Code
Add the code snippet to your Preferences.tps, a xml file found in My Tableau Repository folder in your Documents directory. I typically Place above the </preferences> tag at the end. You can use a text or xml editor.
Tableau Code Snippet
<color-palette name="theYvonne Genderly" type="regular" >
<color>#FFFFFF </color>
Preferences.tps Example File
What do you think? Let me know on Twitter @YvonFitz.
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