Twilight Coast Palette
Palette Details
Background | #FFFFFF | White |
Title | #0F084B | Midnight Blue |
Line | #BFA89E | Silver Pink |
Footer | #BFA89E | Silver Pink |
Graph | #41B7C4 | Maximum Green Blue |
Caption | #584B53 | Dark Liver |
Reading time: 37 secs
Maximum Green Blue (#41B7C4) is used in single color viz, with supporting colors selected to make the blue pop pop.
Useful for beach, shore, or ocean viz
Maximum Green Blue (#41B7C4) is my default or starting color. This color palette is designed for a single color chart/graph with the supporting colors used to make the graph pop. This palette was created for a viz about plastic waste ending in the ocean; for that reason, Silver Pink (#BFA89E) is used to mimic sand. This palette would be suitable for ocean, sea, beach, and water viz.
Tableau Palette Code
Add the code snippet to your Preferences.tps, a xml file found in My Tableau Repository folder in your Documents directory. I typically Place above the </preferences> tag at the end. You can use a text or xml editor.
Tableau Code Snippet
<color-palette name="theYvonne Twilight Coast" type="regular" >
Preferences.tps Example File
What do you think? Let me know on Twitter @YvonFitz.
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