Thoughts and Ideas

Decreasing Wildlife Populations
Challenges, Data Visualization, Makeover Monday, Tableau Yvonne Beirne FitzGerald Challenges, Data Visualization, Makeover Monday, Tableau Yvonne Beirne FitzGerald

Decreasing Wildlife Populations

The Living Planet Report by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is responsible for the Living Planet Index. This project gathers data on the Earth's biodiversity. In 2020, the Living Planet Index reported a 68 % decline in wildlife populations since 1970. This one number is a reflection of 20,000 individual stories on how each animal species is surviving. Having one value is a great way to get an overall understanding; knowing the status of each population is extremely important. This knowledge allows us to prioritize conservation efforts on threatened specials and groups. Looking below the Index value, one can see if different groups have more Stable, Increasing, or Decreasing Populations.

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