Participation of Women in The Olympics Over Time

Community Challenge Makeover Monday 2021 Week 10:

My redesign (Tableau File Here):

Original Visualization:


Reading time:  1 min 31 secs


Makeover Monday 2021 Week 10 challenge uses data from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) about Women's Participation in The Olympics Over Time. The was selected since that Monday was International Women's Day. The data source is from IOC; the original challenge viz is from an article on I created line charts that show the number of participants and events for both the Winter and Summer Olympics have been getting closer to 50%. One fantastic fact discovered is the Winter Olympics Events in 2018 were 52% women.


  • Should how the Olympics Gender Equality has improved over time.

  • Complete the challenge in less than 20 minutes as a way to prep for future tableau certification.

... To encourage and support the
promotion of women in sport at all levels and in
all structures, with a view to implementing the
principle of equality of men and women.
— The Olympic Charter (Rule 2, paragraph 7)

Project Discussion


Time, once again, I am limited my time on creating a viz. One thing I am going to do this week is to make a go-to base template. The key thing I am going to set up this week is a default dashboard design with containers. I will add to this template with each design. I have given myself a mini self-assignment to determine the best way to set up reusable groups for calculations, etc.

Design Discussion

After the visually complex Cocoa Bean Viz, I focused on viz that have more whitespace and minimalistic. The key story from the data is that the IOC is working towards equality. I wanted to illustrate that evolution.

Final Thoughts

The time limit helps me focus on starting with the "Why I am I Creating This Viz." My approach previously was to explore the data to expose the story the data has to tell. Moving forward, with non-Makeover Monday data sets, I will still evaluate the data to see what stories it is holding, but I will always keep in mind the question - why am I spending time with this dataset. This time limit had the added benefit that I am starting to design a template workbook. Once set up, it will save me time in the future. It is also a project that I will enjoy. The plan is in place so that I can create impressive viz in a limited time. One step closer to certification success.

What do you think? Let me know on Twitter @YvonFitz.

Links & Additional Information

Challenge Information

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