Seats Held by Women in National Parliaments and Governments
Community Challenge Makeover Monday 2021 Week 9:
My redesign (Tableau File Here):
Sparkline Tooltips Shown When Hovering Over a Country
Reading Time 55 seconds
Illustrate how the Female Participation in EU Governments has changed
Use a viz in the tooltip to provide more information
Utilize a map to convey information
Prep for future tableau certification by doing the viz in less than 20 mins
Project Discussion
The colors chosen for this viz are based on the European Union's flag, Reflect Blue (#003399) and Yellow (#FFCC00). Something new to me is how to abbreviate the EU with and without Great Britain. This data included Great Britain, so EU 27+1 is used. For data after Brexit, use EU 27. Given that the data is about the countries in the EU, it was the perfect opportunity to use a map to show information.
The viz contains a map; when countries have a darker shade of blue more women are in government. The user can select a year in the year filter. This filter changes the coloring in the map to reflect the % of women in government for that year. When hovering over a country, a viz is shown in the tooltips. The viz is a reference showing 50 % in yellow and a blue sparkline showing the percentage of women in government over time.
I am using the Makeover Monday weekly challenges as a way to prep for the tableau certification. For this reason, the time spent creating a viz is limited to 20 minutes.
What do you think? Let me know on Twitter @YvonFitz.
Links & Additional Information
Challenge Information
Original Article: Seats held by women in national parliaments and governments (source: EIGE)
Data Source: EuroStat
Challenge Link: Makeover Monday 2021 wk 9
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